This page provides a comprehensive list of all available tools and their functionalities. For an introduction to tools and how to use them with agents, see the Introduction to Tools page.



Complete email management system for creating, sending, and managing emails with attachment support.

Github Issue Manager

Github Issue Manager

Comprehensive GitHub issue and project management capabilities.



Create and manage Notion pages and databases with full integration capabilities.



Comprehensive Reddit integration for post management, commenting, and content retrieval.

Exa Search

Powerful semantic search engine for web content with neural search capabilities, intelligent filtering, and content highlighting.

Tavily Research

Tavily Research

Advanced research capabilities with comprehensive web analysis and curated search results.



Complete Twitter integration for post management, space discovery, and engagement tracking.

Google Docs

Google Docs

Create and manage Google Documents with full integration capabilities.

Google Sheets

Google Sheets

Comprehensive spreadsheet management with support for A1 notation, bulk operations, and real-time updates.

Google Calendar

Google Calendar

Complete calendar management system for creating, updating, and managing events with attendee support.

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For detailed implementation examples and best practices, visit our Examples section.